1 laid-back   easy-going くつろいだ uptight    nervous いらいらした
2 reserved introverted 内向的な outgoing extraverted outspoken(frank) 外向的な
3 aloof detached よそよそしい not friendly gregarious   socialble 社交的な
4 discreet tactful careful and prudent 慎重な気のきく blunt   鈍い   very direct
5 hesitant slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain impulsive 衝動的な acting suddenly without thinking carefully
6 sensitive melancholy thick-skinned 厚かましい  tough
7 punctual tardy late
8 gullible だまされやすい  naive trusting すぐ信用する suspicious   not trusting
9 easily persuaded to believe
10 passive accepting what happens assertive 断定的な 独断的  
11 expressing opinion strongly with confidence
12 dynamic full of energy
13 self-motivated not needing to be punished
14 neat organized and tidy
15 enthusiastic excited about things
16 personable warm and friendly
17 innovative creative, coming up with new ideas
18 reliable dependable does what they promise to do
19 efficient organized and capable
20 flexible able to change when necessary
21 euphemism 婉曲語法 indirect expression or words
22 bend over backwards for someone help someone
23 wind up finish
24 jeopardize put something in danger
25 longevity long life
26 wolf down eat a lot very fast がつがつ食べる
27 cut down on decrease を減らす cut down on expences
28 lose face lose one's credibility
29 stigma 汚名 不名誉  social shame
30 demographics 人口統計  data relating to the population
31 turn something upside down 混乱させる ひっくり返す 
32 thumb one's nose at 軽蔑する  contemplate
33 shurg something off 軽視する dismiss something as unimportant Don't care
34 get worked up about get excited に取り乱す
35 fanatical obsessively concerned with
36 lure 誘惑する おびき寄せる tempt to do something
37 ambiguity uncertainty
38 flirt 浮気する くどく 
39 geeky boring and not fashionable
40 cliché 陳腐な決まり文句
41 take something personally むきになる
42 rookies 新人  greenhorns
43 I'll give a rundown on what's going on. give an explanation 概要を説明する
44 catch on become popular
45 When or If push comes to shove いざとなれば   いよいよという時には
46 bottom line profit
47 harsh tough
48 You can make a small fortune. You can make a lot of money.
49 What a rush! How exciting !
50 It poured rain all day. It rained heavily all day.
51 I haven't worked for 10 days straight. continuously
52 He's starting to waver. hesitate
53 She's packing it in. quitting
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